
showing 413 Observations
taken from: End of Days

Acquiring and holding are the dominant motivations and manifestations at people's 'normal' level of functioning. The inevitable result of a fear based mentality.

Related Subjects: Fear, Fear based
taken from: Love/Pain

It is true we’re all living in a lot of fear. It’s fear of the unknown! That has already just about reached its limits! If you don’t make a conscious effort to attain a degree of ’separation’, from all that’s going on, inside and out, then you can only keep spinning in the habit of fear!

Related Subjects: Fear
taken from: Wasting God's Time

There are however certain facts that cannot be denied at either level. Firstly, the fact that each individual was born, and will have only a limited time here on earth!

Related Subjects: Facts
taken from:

People have the ability to see more clearly just what could be healthy, sane and productive for OTHERS, than they are able to see in relationship to themself. So, we NOW MUST WORK ON BEHALF OF OTHERS ! We CANNOT 'DO' FOR OURSELF IN ISOLATION. That's always been the case. Who can wake up to this simple FACT? Our HABITS are for TAKE. We need to LEARN new patterns/habits for the GIVE - thus using the HIGHEST INTELLIGENCE of our God-given potential.

Related Subjects: Give
taken from: Do-ing

What becomes clear in these radical days, is that One thing is needed! Just One Rule: ’ACT ON BEHALF OF OTHERS.’ If you act - act on behalf of others!
But there are no ’others’. It’s all You, it’s all Us, it’s all God, it’s all One. Those are just words, but at more subtle energy levels, it’s a reality to be known! At the physical, sensual level it is not ’seen’ and so we have this gross sense of where and what we are. If that sensual part can relax and just vibrate in its correct band of energy, with earth, with air, with this level of reality, then more subtle aspects of our being can be realized.

Related Subjects: Act on behalf of others

For a SERIOUS worker, any other person who is working is as important to them as themself. That’s the BOTTOM LINE of ’external considering’.

Related Subjects: External considering
taken from: Priorities

If you haven’t got a sense of what is important, how the hell can you be serious about anything? You can be stubborn - but you can’t be serious!
Is there anything important to you?
’Important’ is like, if you’ll excuse the expression, ’evaluation’. What’s important should talk to your mind, your heart, and your soul. If you can establish that, then you have a real ’Do’. From there you can sound a ’Re’ - make the appropriateeffort. Your ’Re’, your effort, cannot be more real than your ’Do’ .

Related Subjects: Important/serious
taken from: 'Equal to Life'

Somehow, the hope is that you already know enough about the world, about yourself and about the Work - enough, so to speak, that you can position yourself. 
I ’wants’, the World ’wants’, and the Work ’wants’! How will you relate to all that?
Sometimes you have a clearer picture, sometimes less, sometimes not at all. It definitely comes down to ’evaluation’. Make your fullest possible evaluation, set an aim within it, and try to live up to it. If you can, get up every morning, get yourself totally relaxed and check whether you want to up-date your picture. 
But don’t work in a ’catch-as-catch-can’ environment!
If you make an evaluation and act accordingly, the results will allow you to correct any misconceptions. But at least know what your ’conceptions’ are! Don’t start the day in a vacuum.

Related Subjects: Evaluation
taken from: 'Equal to Life'

The difficulty in making an evaluation, is that you have to do it from who you are, and what you have - you can’t do it with anybody else’s data, or ’being’! There could be the fear of pain in it - the pain of ’not knowing’. We don’t like the idea of pain, but in that pain, is the truth, and its energy is vital!

If you’re lucky, there will also be ’humiliation’ in it! But you must ask: ’who do I think I am, what do I think I’m doing, and what is going on?’ This is somewhat over simplifying the issue, but I assure you, it’s not a parlour game!

Related Subjects: Evaluation

Work is about ETERNITY, it’s not about your pupik. And we’re prepared, in this life, to suffer the ignorance, for survival sake. It’s all suffering down here. It’s not for nothing that Gurdjieff calls this world a PAIN FACTORY. But in that pain there is an immense amount of energy! You want to be ’comfortable’ here? That’s what you’ve been trying all your life. Are you comfortable?

Related Subjects: Eternity, Suffering
