
showing 413 Observations
taken from: 'Equal to Life'

Again, we have this whole business of ’life’, with all its craziness and demands. It has more demands on you than it has on a ten year old, and even more on your parents who are carrying considerably more pieces of undigested ’impressions’ - sometimes called ’shit’.
The point, if I can hold to it, is to ’think’, with whatever you’ve got! To think of what? Yourself, people generally, people you know, the world. You have to think about ’life’, and about ’being’. You must make the effort to remember yourself, because, unless you do, you don’t even know who is doing the thinking! Can you conceive of any starting-point, other than self-study?

Related Subjects: Life
taken from:

The passage of time means everything and the passage of time means nothing. Yes and no! Every speculation in time is a dream with its element of hope and the inevitable fear that the hope will not materialize. Life as we generally know it is an interaction of the dreams of 'concerned' people.

Related Subjects: Life, Time
taken from: Love/Pain

Here is where it gets really serious. The Work says: ’Life cannot be explained in terms of itself’! What does that mean? If you look at the average person’s life, with a long enough view, it doesn’t make any sense at all. People think, calculate, struggle, move, build, ’grow’ children, start countries, fight wars - all within so much pain and confusion!
Those struggles for comfort and safety simply don’t go anywhere. Happiness and satisfaction cannot flower at that ’level of being’ - lived without any reference to what is ’larger than life’!

Related Subjects: Life, The Work
taken from: Attention - God


... they are an avoidance of the truth. They imprison a person in their own dream-land!

Related Subjects: Secretes and lies
taken from:

Ordinary school teachers are forced to make demands of a whole class of young students that can be fulfilled by only a few. The balance are forced to lie.
To survive the pressure and the punishment the child must lie. The teacher knows that what he asks is not possible for all. The teacher knows that to maintain control he must maintain the pressure. The child knows that in order to survive he must lie!

.......................Yes, mothers and fathers learned the same tricks from the same places and the habit is spread throughout society. Welcome to the mess.

Related Subjects: Lies - children

We know one thing for sure - our habits cause us to be blind, or ignore completely, these basic facts. How do you get to live what you already know? We hardly do that. We begin to see that we're actually moving in a self-created prison. It really is a prison. And it is held together with lies.
Work is sometimes referred to as: 
'The Study of Lies.' 
Our habitual 'understanding' is full of untruths.

Related Subjects: Lies
taken from: End of Days

Today, in a True Teaching, the message is basic. Study hell, here is what it is composed of, know it well. It is held together with LIES. Study the lies outside and within yourself. When you know for sure where you are, you will want, like hell, to get out.

Related Subjects: Lies
taken from:

When men lie with the same straight face that they tell the truth they lose the ability to distinguish between lies and truth outside themselves. They must check and check and check, never reaching clarity. A lie has a completely different vibration than the truth. A lying man has a completely different vibration than a truthful one. Only a truthful man can be sure. All the rest are: 'Trees to be cut down and burned in the Fire!'

Related Subjects: Lies
taken from:

The SEER is ALWAYS focused on the LEARNING and NEVER on the advantage or safety.
He comes to SEE, among other things of lesser importance, that THAT which SEES in him, is HIM - and that ALL ELSE is but variations on the theme, in more or less harmony. As an orchestra leader, he is able to call-out the right notes, cords, tones , by his mere ATTENTION.

Related Subjects: The seer
taken from: Do-ing

The more compassionately, the more openly, the less judgmental, the more helpfully you relate to other people - the more you see! And at the depth of that seeing, you recognize the ’seer’. You begin to see that the ’seen’ and the ’seer’ are the same thing. And that’s what we call Love. That’s connection! God is Love - the Whole Thing, at its core, is Love. You want to be part of Love? Then you have to be ’connected’!

Related Subjects: Love, The seer
