
showing 413 Observations
taken from: How to Get Out

Let's start by exercising our humility. Not a false or assumed humility, but rather the humility that comes from knowing that you don't know - that life for the most part up to the present has, at best, been a collection of experiences with, at best, the possibility of eventually serving as the basis, the raw material for the formation of a real grasp and the formation of a real understanding as to what life is and one's ultimate possibilities in it. A real humility.

Related Subjects: Humility
taken from: Respond Ability

We now circle the question that everyone is struggling with all the time – 'WHAT SHOULD I DO?' It's seldom voiced so bluntly because that would take a high level of humility, an acknowledgment that, 'I DON'T KNOW !' And hardly anyone is ready to admit THAT.

Related Subjects: Humility, What to do
taken from: Bionic-Man

There is no way you can imitate humility. But, you already know that your ’perceptions’ come and go, and that you only know, what you know, for the moment that you know it. Anything more than that is a lie!
You also know that you are able to use whatever you know, only when you are truly ’present’. When you are not present,it’s all doing you. And, within that error, you develop a very strange kind of ’identity’ ! The lie twists your vibration, you want to ’impress’, you get sick.

Related Subjects: Humility
taken from:

People, we have seen, in various 'unusual circumstances' are ready and able to do with very little food, but unable it seems to do without some source of immediate SENSE GRATIFICATION. Alcohol, drugs of all kinds, sex, violence, sport etc.

Related Subjects: Sense gratification
taken from:

It's also a fact that the modern, educated, successful Western man is a million miles from an active sense of his responsibilities to God/The Creator. A million miles! Does the difference make a difference? What makes a difference, anything? Are there real enemies in the world? Is one right and the other evil by comparison, or did that distinction end with World War Two? Are there good guys and bad guys and if so are we sure which side we are on? Does it make a difference? Who goes to take a look?



Related Subjects: Modern mankind
taken from: Perverse Criticism

Now, maybe, you realize that you have been infected by everything, quite as much as all the people that you’ve ever complained about. You’re infected with exactly the same stuff. It’s massive - like a tidal-wave passing over us. Most people think that there’s nothing to do but get in there and ’slug it out’ - because ’that’s life’. With a little reflection one comes to see that it just doesn’t work. Everybody’s been slugging-it-out for thousands of years - and the last ’slug’ will probably be the hydrogen bomb.

Related Subjects: Infected
taken from:


Related Subjects: I see
taken from:

Who in fact are the good guys and who in fact are the bad guys? And, in this mass mess world that humanity has concocted who has the capacity, the objectivity, the good will, the strength and the position even to evaluate the reality - let alone affect something?

Related Subjects: Humanity
taken from:

Humanity, at a certain point, ’went wrong’? It’s like what’s in the Bible. All the stories - every human being goes through the same things again and again. The Israelites leaving ’Egypt’ with all its goodies, even though they were slaves. Inside every person there’s a Moses and a Pharaoh. Pharaoh dominates in Egypt. You’ve got to listen to Moses to get out. That’s the higher part of yourself. Finally they agreed to leave, but when they’re out they start complaining - they wanted to go back! They’re in the desert, they have to pass through the desert. You don’t go directly from hell to heaven, you have to stop first. ’Hell’ is going backwards, ’Heaven’ is going front-wards. In order to stop going backwards so that you can move front-wards you have to stop first. That ’stop’ is the desert. You have to stop playing. You have to Be. Before you can move in the right direction you have to BE. And they started to complain. They wanted to go back!

Related Subjects: Humanity

What we've seen is that each person is in their own world, alone. It seems that everyone has the sense that they are thecenter of the universe. Their family moves around them, their friends move around them, the sun moves around them, people come, people go. So, generally speaking, everyone feels like they're the center of it all. And they criticize the 'others', all those other egoists, who feel that they are the center of it all.
How could it be different? You are the center of 'your world'. Well, thank you for welcoming me in there for a few minutes!

Related Subjects: Ego
