

Pain is energy! It’s a distorted energy, it is twisted energy but nevertheless it is energy. That’s the immense wisdom in the ’non-expression of negative emotions’. Because, if you don’t express your negativity - and that doesn’t mean just in words - then you’ve still got that energy. Energy is heat, and heat is light. Light enough for a person to view their own mechanical self-serving excuse/justification. ”I don’t feel good because I got something I shouldn’t have or I don’t have something I should have!” That’s what justification is - it’s ’because’. If you have a growing understanding of life, you begin to see that the ’becauses’ are imaginary!
How does energy get twisted? It’s hard not to get a little technical here. Energy gets twisted because energy comes to us as ’impressions’. Impressions are energy. We are not conscious as an impression hits, so the impression is absorbed mechanically in one or another center. All impressions have a full range, like a rainbow. But if only one or another ’colour’ of an impression gets picked-up by, say, the emotional center, without awareness - that would be, by definition, ’twisted energy’.

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The NOW can feed us in ways undreamt of - but we need the ENERGY to eat it. Now all the energy is going into scheming or worrying and 'picturing' a Future that NEVER COMES.
And here's the 'double bind' and the 'salvation' within the mystery.You have to be OUT psychologically from the dream, but IN dynamically.
Energies (Food) of the NOW are CREATED (stimulated/brought out) in the Friction caused by Human Imagination and Fear. The illusions within the Dream World cause conflicts which trigger the flow of various energies.
WE NEED THE DREAM WORLD, but can only benefit from it from a very PERFECT Understanding of its structure and limits, and its 

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Our problem isn’t lack of cleverness. Our problem is lack of refined ENERGY.

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ENERGY is the main issue that a person can deal with. Energy refinement that ALLOWS the functioning of more 'sophisticated' elements within to come ALIVE.

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What difference does it make? Must we continue to 'live from being seen'? That has many disturbing implications. Be aware of your inner reactions - back up until you can see what does or doesn't make a difference. Give them your other 'cheek'. ALL that this is really saying is: 'don't throw away your God-given energy!'

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Time, Place and Company are things constantly to keep aware of for the sake of whatever, high or low. But questions arise as to where to place the attention. ENERGY IS ALWAYS A LIMITATION. Money doesn't grow on trees, and also not energy. Like money, you've got to EARN it. And you can only spend what you've got.

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All our energy is poured into supporting, by act or attitude, some continuing picture - a picture that ultimately has thousands of little pieces drifting into and out of place and ultimately ends in some configuration momentarily 'in place' but bearing, in its totality, LITTLE resemblance to the originally projected finality!

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