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’ANXIETY, PLEASE!’ You have to regard it as a GIFT, because it’s got a tremendous energy reserve in it. You can’t think yourself out of that in a million years. You can take a drug, you can be a workaholic, you can be a fanatic in something, you can be artistic, artistic, artistic, but that does not clear it up.
That’s all running away from this anxiety. If you go THROUGH the anxiety, if you accept the anxiety, if you say, ’Anxiety, please’, then you absorb/transform that energy into your SELF. Not as a bad thing, as a reality. Ah, if it was so simple!
Behind the anxiety is YOU.
The more you are YOURSELF, the more your OVERVIEW, the more you are attractive in the REAL sense. There is nothing more attractive than your PRESENCE, behind the anxiety. The anxiety maintains itself only when you struggle with it. If you don’t struggle with it, it’s just ENERGY. And that energy, with attention, transforms, actually!