Life and death


... The issue of LIFE AND DEATH. That’s what you’re dealing with, like it or not. The only problem is that what we call life is really death and what we call death is really life. Death is not darkness - DEATH IS LIGHT!

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For a first time in a long time people have NO IDEA of what TOMORROW might bring.
What can save us from going irrevocably MAD in this period of time?
Those few of us who have the chance of not turning into some mechanical attachment of the new technology, or just some redundant zombie, must take some very distinct and radical steps. We must grasp some ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE that has been 'pooh-pooed' as 'unscientific' in recent years, but has ALWAYS BEEN AROUND, though 'buried' in the world's Religions and Esoteric Teachings.
Now, we no longer have a choice, should we wish to remain human and sane. We MUST come to understand the relevance of our LIFE and DEATH!

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Now, we no longer have a choice, should we wish to remain human and sane. We MUST come to understand the relevance of our LIFE and DEATH!
Let's talk about it a little. Some straight talk. All the Religions and Teachings tell us that our essential individuality is not restricted/confined to our bodies.
That's BOLD TALK - the implications are significant and PRACTICAL.
It's our ONLY WAY OUT, and it truly IS a way out. We must first of all take the 'sting' out of the word DEATH. We must fearlessly come to understand and KNOW as much as we can about it, in life, and prepare ourselves for this TRANSITION!

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