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Can we come closer to an understanding of just what Attention is? There is an aspect of focus in it - out of a number of possibilities, out of a number of concurring happenings in the outer or inner world of a man, it seems that he can focus his attention either here or there, close or at a distance, on his sex or on his mind, on the future or on the past, on his anger or on his love. Where is the 'seat' of this attention? It appears that the seat of this attention is in what we call a man's consciousness/awareness and that this consciousness/awareness is something that stands BEHIND all other realities/functions that a man is able to perceive or cognize - that is, this consciousness/awareness is behind, more basic, more essential, more REAL than any of his functions such as his thinking, feeling or sensing.

Our attention is a certain focus of our consciousness - it can WATCH our body and sense it, it can WATCH our emotions and feel them, it can WATCH our thoughts and know them, it can WATCH the interaction of all these functions and 'stand behind them'. Our Real Self is part and parcel of this consciousness/awareness and not the ‘picture’ of ourself, framed by our picture of the world as presented to us by our mind with it's particular / peculiar / subjective / imaginary / partial / frightened / defensive / closed pseudo-personality.

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Attention - is this or is this not the essential choice, the essential and the basic tool we have at our disposal, the handle on our consciousness, the steering-rudder of our life.

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The significant thing we have to give is our attention. Once someone or something 'has our attention' it becomes possible for us to interact sympathetically within the dynamics of that world. The first and essential thing to GIVE, is our ATTENTION. Anything else good or useful can only follow that.

Look, there is a question as to whether what we call giving is really giving or whether in fact it is a method of taking, or even whether the giving and the taking combine without the necessity of contradiction.

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Depending on where we concentrate our attention we may feel happy or sad, optimistic or hungry, titillated or irritated. Depending on where we place our attention we may spend an hour agonizing in a problem, reliving or planning a sexual conquest or pondering on our most essential and serious concerns - each of these possibilities having it's own chemistry and kind of satisfaction as well as potential results and implications for the future.

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Your body REQUIRES your attention in order to give you the feedback and 'goodies' IT has to offer you! 

That's the deal.

And so, likewise, with the man or woman that you are in contact with - should they have something useful and good to offer you they MUST have your attention, through which they can communicate it.

The attention, to be clean and clear, must be non-judgemental, as non-judgemental as a mother to her infant.

All judgement/criticism is suspended - an attention of interest and sensitivity. 
The baby communicates intuitively, a more developed and understanding man or woman may do that even more directly and consciously!

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Idries Shah comments: ’If you don’t know the source of attention, it’s like not knowing where your next meal will come from.’

Look around and see how it fits. How much attention a young child needs! We’ve got three young boys up the street that can be used as an example: Take a look at them as they prance around. They’re dying for attention, and are ready to ’kill’ if necessary to get it. The infant here in this house is getting a great deal of attention. If she didn’t she would scream, make a mess, be a pain in the ass. Any child will get attention, even if it has to pee in the flowerpot. More often than not, that continues throughout peoples’ lives. If they can’t get attention with a kiss, they’ll accept a hit. If they can’t get a compliment, they’ll be satisfied with a criticism. Attention, is the issue.

You could call this the ’big secret’ of the Work! An understanding of that would be the beginning of freedom. The first ’baby’ step.

Work is essentially self-study, leading to self-knowledge - through self-observation.

Self-observation requires attention - your own attention! To start using that inner faculty is like the beginning of a pregnancy, the beginning of re-birth. The ’essential you’ comes alive again, slowly but surely.

Surely? Yes, surely - you begin to utilize the ’light of attention’. You had always demanded that attention come to you -now you realize that it must come from you!

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