
showing 413 Observations
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FEARFUL (selfish/negative) THOUGHTS can never ever connect with 'higher parts of centers'. The small circles that they revolve in can only become ever more restricted. SERVICE, compassionate and sincere, however limited in scope or perception, alone has the possibility of opening up connections with higher parts of centers, and eventually HIGHER CENTERS themselves. A cumulative process.

Related Subjects: Fearful, Higher centers, Service
taken from: End of Days

No one can know or understand anything real within their usual state. Only at a different level within can one know and understand anything of the Real World. Man, as a 'Three Centered Being', must have his centers cleaned and balanced in order to stand in REAL I - behind all his 'centers’ and functions.

Related Subjects: Higher centers, Real I

And what are 'hearts that are pure'? Heart is used as a synonym for our emotions. Anger is an emotion, but it's not pure, jealously is not pure, insult's not pure, magi'a li (I deserve) is not pure, guilt isn't pure. There is only One True Emotion. All other emotions are fictitious - they start from a 'conceptual error'. That includes a lot. Actually, Pride and Vanity could be the heading for the whole lot - our imaginary sense of 'I' gets 'established' there.

Related Subjects: Emotions

Blest are those whose emotional center is not contaminated, not dirty. That goes right back to the image of the 'Immaculate Conception'. Immaculate - perfectly clean. That's where the 'Christ' level is 'born' in a person. Pure of heart is the Immaculate Conception

Related Subjects: Emotional center
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Each 'center' and 'sense', within each individual, has different strengths, different 'colorations', producing persons with varying tendencies and appetites. What is in one is within all, but to varying degrees. What are the IMPLICATIONS ?
In the usual state of IDENTIFICATION the differences manifest in disagreement, conflict, violence, except when some kind of 'business' is being engaged in where an agreement is being sought and patience is being exercised. Self-interest makes for strange bed-fellows.

Related Subjects: Centers, Identification
taken from: Suicide & After words

The clearest thing that arises, which is consistent with ‘yeda’ (Knowledge) and also consistent with experience - is that with a body, one can transform. The body is a Transforming Mechanism!

Related Subjects: Body, Transformation
taken from: Suicide & After words

Everything we have is vibration - and that vibration goes into the body! It can be observed as sheer energy, without it slipping up into the imagination that wants to struggle with it, justify it, or run away from it!
That is a rough kind of description of how the body might transform energy. Through direct attention! Not through judgment and not through analysis. Work is about observation - not analysis.
And it goes for all centers. In a way it’s easier with the body.

Related Subjects: Body, Centers, Vibration

If you’re ’working’, what are you actually doing, why are you doing it, and what do you expect the result to be?
Knowledge? Okay, ’knowledge’. Then what’s this knowledge good for? Knowledge for what? Oh, you can say ’self knowledge’. Okay, self knowledge…you can juggle with a vocabulary very easily. What is the AIM, what is the purpose of the Work? What is the Work, other than your relationship to it? Did anyone ever think of that? The Work has its own aims. What would you say the aim of the Work is?
The issue of the Work is to allow the ’seed’, that YOU are, to grow, into a Survivable Being.
”Working for life and working for death is the same thing.”

Related Subjects: Survival Being, The Work

Every small 'I' has its own interest. It might give you something, but at most for only a limited time. It's an IDOL, in the real sense of the word. Real 'I' is the potential center of gravity of your Whole Being. The multiplicity of non-working small 'I's are the 'goyim' (gentiles), the 'others', the 'non-believers'. They 'know not God'. They are the Polytheists, with the 'many gods'. Money as god, liquor as god, sex as god, anger as god. What's missing is the 'One God' - the One and Only Real I.

Related Subjects: Real I, Small i's
taken from: Decision to work

We want to become normal in all areas. How? First of all not to be compulsive - not to ‘jump’ with every thing that is attractive or a bit frightening. To be working on Being, so that all situations become ‘normal’. With love for an animal, for instance, or a flower, you don’t go grabbing at it. Normal is watching, first of all; it’s being sensitive. When it comes to human beings it’s most complex, most challenging. It’s not just meeting a human being where they are, but you want, in human beings, you want ‘normal’ to be alive and growing - because that’s what a human being is made to be. Love should become fuller, it should become wider - it should become clearer.

Related Subjects: Normal
