What's the why of your wants





Now, we're really getting down to business.

Without a clear WHY there is NO Power, no enthusiasm, no 'get up 
and go', no optimism possible. NO CLARITY !                    
The notion of 'Growth' is too unspecific to fuel the human organism to its full capacities. So, too, is so-called 'responsibility'.
Your WHY is your AIM, is your MEANING, is your FOCUS. You must get it clear in your head. Also in your heart.
That's why vacations are generally so unsatisfactory. Unless one is after an impressive tan or an illicit 'love' affair. 
Also, those semi-conscious motivations for security and comfort, for you and yours, become mixed, compulsive and eventually foggy within the changing kaleidoscope of life.
Healthy body and healthy planet, obviously good in themselves, are not really 'aims' but rather bottom-line requirements.  
The WHY of your activities must have a CLEAR AIM. 
Your Aim is your Why, and your Why is your Aim.
Authentic Spiritual Work, Religions or Teachings are means, functional in life, which allow you to pursue an AIM.
That must become CLEAR to you in order to dynamically fuel your activities.
Why are you doing what you are doing? 
Because you 'have to'? 
Do you 'have to' in order to GET SOMETHING, or merely to 'stay out of trouble'? 
That's no 'reason' for a reasonable person. 
There may be the power of fear in that, but it lacks the potentially infinite power of a clear AIM, a clear WHY, a clear WANT, a clear WHAT. 
That's what's missing.
Many people half-consciously assume that if they do 'good' for their family, associates or some aspect of humanity, 'God', or people that they have demonstrated in front of will 're-pay' their efforts. 
Of course that is almost inevitably a fear based gamble - essentially sentimental. It lacks a clear comprehension as to what that 'good' could actually accomplish - what essential difference it might make. 
People are far from clear as to what is good for themselves in the long run. So, how can they determine the effect of their 'good' in regard to others? 
They are basically banking on some kind of credit. 
Good luck!
What did you want? 
Wanted to know 'what's going on'!  
People, Places, Nature, Animals, Societies, Sexes, Ages, Art, Sport, Entertainment, Sickness, Death, Sleep, Violence, Love. 
And what were the conclusions?
1)   People seem unable to work from love, only from FEAR.
2)   They live for a very poorly defined 'future'.
3)   The bottom-line of the ego is, as if,  self-serving.
4)   Ego-man is a lie - and is always lying!
5)   Must act CONSCIOUSLY in order to DO - from whatever the 'reservoir'.
6)  Re-action, even for the 'good', is an  impossible game - endless and exhausting. It is basically only GESTURE.
If people could co-operatively work together as in common farming of old, it appears that survival would not be a problem. 
But what of flood/drought? That suggests 'nomadic-man’. Bedouin, Aborigines and American Indians had encampments, but as well a vast natural supporting environment. They could move with relative ease.
Must be prepared to move with Nature - at all levels. 
'Useful for others, pleasant to oneself'. IN THAT ORDER !  All thought out on the landscape of life.
There is Spiritual Life beyond the death of the body. No-doubt! 
HERE we do not remember. THERE we WILL. 'There', can also be here.
AGAIN - not enough to merely re-act.
Can only 'give' what you have - your best. That of course is Love. But Love requires a 'field' to manifest in. 
Amongst the 'sleeping' the field is dreams. Basically, people functioning at the level of 'two-brained beings'. 
There, Mind/Choice is lacking. Effective help at that level can only be something that tends to 'awaken the Mind'.
What can an awakened soul give/do other than what their life experiences prepare them for? To perform within whatever their current capacity and understanding is. 
What is the BEST a 'loving person' has to GIVE? 
He has PRESENCE. He has NOW to 'give'. Now, and sensitivity to its requirements. 
The requirements of the NOW dictate the give, on top of the LOVE. 
If nothing else the PRESENCE of NOW is more than good enough.
Don't be born-again in personality.    Be born again in GOD.
18. 5. 2003
Corruption in the land! People so used to it that it is taken totally for granted. Even justified.
‘Christian’, for sure it is not. Man against man. Neighbor against neighbor. Religion against religion. Jew against Jew. 
Loveless, careless, blind. 'Eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear'. A Godless, devilish horror.
Money/fear dominate. Everyone knows, no one cares. Taken as a ‘given’. Mind Masturbation!